Company stories: from the beginning to the second generation
13 January 2023
Every difficulty conceals an opportunity
17 May 2023

The latest news on our new website
Dear Customer,
You haven’t heard from us for a while.
The new year has brought forward new challenges that, as such, have come with unexpected events and opportunities. We come back to you with several news that deserve to be shared.
First of all: our website has changed!
We felt the need to clarify, especially for those who browse our website for the first time, what are the underpinnings on which Nova Sidera is based.
Surely people are the beating heart of our company and for this reason two new sections have been created:
"Contacts" and "Work with us".
In the first, we introduce our Team, to give a face to the people who move our company forward and with whom you interface daily. In the second, we give the opportunity to future employees of Nova Sidera to apply to be part of our team.

We want our idea of quality to emerge; it is not limited to the finished product but is represented by the substance of each individual component and process. For this reason we have dedicated a section to our "Product Philosophy" starting from how we build our machines.
As many of you know, we develop the orders from A to Z, starting from the design, moving on to individual processes, up to assembly, programming and testing of the products, and finishing with our outstanding technical assistance and training on our spinning lathes. We do it to offer you a quality service and we succeed also thanks to a network of cooperation and exchange of ideas that is always active and stimulating between us, our suppliers and you, our customers.
We hope that through the innovations on our website you will perceive even more the values that guide our actions every day and we invite you, if you haven't already done, to take a look!